
[百度云网盘]雪梨老师新概念前50讲 – 小学百度网盘学习资料教育盘下载

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雪梨老师新概念前50讲目录:├┈Lesson 1 Excuse me! 【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 10 How are you today.mp4
├┈Lesson 11 Is this your shirt.mp4
├┈Lesson 12 Is this your shirt.mp4
├┈Lesson 13 A new dress 【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 14 A new dress 【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 15 Your passports, please. 【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 16 Your passports, please. 【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 17 How do you do.mp4
├┈Lesson 18 How do you do.mp4
├┈Lesson 19 Tired and thirsty【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 2 Excuse me!【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 20 Tired and thirsty 【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 21 Which book.mp4
├┈Lesson 22 Which book.mp4
├┈Lesson 23 Which glasses.mp4
├┈Lesson 24 Which glasses.mp4
├┈Lesson 25 Mrs. Smiths kitchen【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 26 Mrs. Smiths kitchen【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 27 Mrs. Smiths living room【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 28 Mrs. Smiths living room【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 29 Come in, Amy.【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 3 Sorry, sir. 【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 30 Come in, Amy.【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 31 Wheres Sally.mp4
├┈Lesson 32 Wheres Sally.mp4
├┈Lesson 33 A fine day【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 34 A fine day【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 35 Our village【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 36 Our village【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 37 Making a bookcase【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 38 Making a bookcase【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 39 Dont drop it!【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 4 Sorry, sir. 【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 40 Dont drop it!【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 41 Pennys bag【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 42 Pennys bag【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 43 Hurry up!【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 44 Hurry up!【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 45 The bosss letter【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 46 The bosss letter【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 47 A cup of coffee【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 48 A cup of coffee【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 49 At the butchers【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 5 Nice to meet you. 【1】.mp4
├┈Lesson 50 At the butchers【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 6 Nice to meet you. 【2】.mp4
├┈Lesson 7 Are you a teacher.mp4
├┈Lesson 8 Are you a teacher.mp4
└┈Lesson 9 How are you today.mp4

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